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Tools & Resources

to Prepare for TEKS

Understanding the Change
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What is changing?
Why Do We Need The Changes?
Phenomena Driven Learning
3D Learning
TxCSI Approach to PL
What local educators are saying
The Three Most Important Changes in the New TEKS
What is Changing?
Phenomena Driven Learning
Local Educator Thoughts
Bringing Districts Together for Improvement
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TxCSI Approach to PL
Local Educator Thoughts
What Is The Difference Between 2D and 3D Learning?
What is Changing?
3D Learning
3D Approach, In Depth
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3D Learning
New Methods for Professional Learning
TxCSI Approach to PL
Phenomena Driven Learning
Phenomena Driven Learning
Local Educator Thoughts
Student Goals for New TEKS
Why Do We Need The Changes?
Local Educator Thoughts
Perfect Storm: Overview of Changes
What is Changing?
Why We Need New Standards
Why Do We Need The Changes?
Local Educator Thoughts
Are You Ready To Run?
What is Changing?
Beginning the Journey
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Sample Timelines
Sample Lessons
Setting Culture
Research-Based Practices
Implementation Timelines and Vignettes
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Sample Timelines
Sample Lesson
Sample Lessons
Setting Your Classroom Culture for Learning
Setting Culture
Four Research Based Instructional Practices
Setting Culture
Research-Based Practices
Engaging the Work
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All PDFs
HQIM Selection Basics
Science Observation Tool
Transforming Science Education Continuum
Sample Focus Group Questions
HQIM Selection and Implementation Basics
Science Instruction Look Fors Observation Guide
Focus Group Questions
Transforming Science Education Continuum